Quest Analytics Group

Quest Pharmacy Savings App

Quest Analytics Group provides a national pharmacy savings app to reduce the cost of medications for individuals who don’t have pharmacy benefits and provide discounts for medications that are not covered by an employer benefit design. Utilization of the Quest  Pharmacy Savings App can provide savings up to 15% on brand drugs and 75% on generic drugs. The Quest  Pharmacy Savings App is accepted at more than 39,000 pharmacies, including CVS and Wal-Mart.

Quest Pharmacy Savings is a mobile app that will make the use extremely easy for your members.

Why use ours over other discount cards:

  • Provides options to price check, locate a pharmacy and 24-hour customer support
  • Competitive discounts and reduce plan costs
  • Monthly reporting
  • Offers membership affordable prescriptions during benefit wait period or when medications are not covered by benefit.